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    Presidential elections in May after all?

    It is rumoured that during today’s meeting at the Law and Justice headquarters, the leader of the ruling party, Jarosław Kaczyński, had yet another disagreement with Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin. It is said that Kaczyński and his party are looking to conduct the presidential elections on May 23rd after all, despite the controversy surrounding the first date, May 10th, which was annulled due to the coronavirus threat. Former MP of the Law and Justice party, now a judge of the Constitutional Tribunal, Krystyna Pawłowicz took to Twitter to comment on the matter.

    “Leave your TVs on until the evening. We are witnessing a political and governmental shift. The elections will probably take place on May 23rd. It is likely that there will be a minority government. Pray for Poland”, tweeted Pawłowicz.

    One of the scenarios of ending the stalemate regarding the presidential elections is setting a new date by the Supreme Court – for July 2020. In the meantime, as reported by the journalists of “Gazeta Prawna” daily, the situation in the ruling camp is still very seriously tense as “it can end with the cabinet of PM Mateusz Morawiecki losing majority”. To make matters worse, the Supreme Court itself has its own issues to deal with. Today at noon, the General Assembly of Judges of the Supreme Court resumed its proceedings, after a break following a long 9 hours of discussions yesterday. However, new members of the returning committee necessary for the appointing of candidates for the First President of the Supreme Court still haven’t been chosen.

    That is why, the Law and Justice leadership – using the Constitution Tribunal – wanted to postpone the elections to May 23rd. This time – according to the ruling party – they would be conducted in a hybrid form: both via post and in local polling stations.

    High ranking officials of the United Right, including the leader of the ruling party Jarosław Kaczyński, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, leader of the Agreement party Jarosław Gowin, Ministers of National Defence and State Assets, as well as the Speaker of the Sejm all arrived to Law and Justice headquarters today to resolve the pressing disagreements. Speaker Elżbieta Witek will announce the new date of the elections tonight at 8 pm.


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