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    Leader of the ruling party to get himself vaccinated

    Deputy Prime Minister and leader of PiS (Law and Justice party) Jarosław Kaczyński plans to vaccinate against COVID-19 within the time limit for his age group, the head of the Office of the Prime Minister, Michał Dworczyk, informed on Monday.


    He announced that the politicians who are also doctors will get vaccinated first.

    Dworczyk on Radio TOK FM, when asked if Jarosław Kaczyński would get vaccinated in front of the cameras, replied that he did not know the details, but “Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński is determined to promote vaccination as widely as possible, therefore for sure no one will hide this fact”.

    He repeated that all members of the government would also get vaccinated.

    First, in December, vaccinated are people of the so-called group 0, that is medical personnel, employees of social welfare homes and employees of municipal social welfare centers as well as auxiliary and administrative staff in medical facilities, including sanitary and epidemiological stations. After the new year, the residents of social welfare homes and care and treatment facilities, as well as people over 60 years of age, will be vaccinated, in order of the oldest.

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