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Luxembourg closes to Polish trade unionists with barbed wire! [GALLERY]

The European Union has banned the use of barbed wire to fence cattle pastures. In the meantime, it has used the same wire by fencing the headquarters of the Court of (In)justice in Luxembourg, thus giving a clear signal that it treats Polish trade unionists worse than cattle!

“Let me be clear, there will be a group of pissed off-trade unionists coming to Luxembourg who are fed up with this treatment by the European Union’s injustice organs. We are also going to bail out our government, as its actions on this issue so far look weak. That is why we are taking the matter into our own hands,” Jarosław Grzesik, head of the National Mining and Energy Secretariat of the NSZZ Solidarność trade union, told Economy and People before the demonstration planned for Friday, 22 October.

He added that union officials expect nothing good from union officials.

“We all expect normality in this situation. If someone thinks that it is possible to suddenly resign from the production of 7-8 per cent of energy which our country needs and at the same time to extinguish the Turów power complex, it means that they are a total dilettante and have no idea about the Polish power system and the entire bloodstream of the Polish economy. It’s physically impossible. As far as the local community is concerned, this is condemning them to extinction. This is not only depriving them of work and bread. This is condemning the region to, inter alia, lack of electricity and heat supply” – emphasised Jarosław Grzesik, the head of the National Mining and Energy Secretariat of the NSZZ Solidarność trade union.

As Grzesik emphasized, 2 thousand people are expected to come to the demonstration, including employees of the Turów mine and power plant.

“The vast majority of our delegation are, of course, employees of the Turów mine and power plant and representatives of the local community. Moreover, we have representatives of all regions of the Solidarity Trade Union. In this group, the Silesia-Dabrowa region is most numerously represented, i.e., hard coal miners,” explained Jarosław Grzesik.

Meanwhile, the capital of Luxembourg, which is preparing for the arrival of trade unionists from Poland, is beginning to resemble a besieged fortress, as the photos in the gallery show. The police prepared special cars reminiscent of those from the film “Hunger Games”, which were used to suppress rebellious citizens who were unfriendly to the ruling regime. You can also see the barbed wire fence there.

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