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    Polish National Parks – Pieniny National Park

    The oldest National Park in Poland is located in the heart of the Pieniny Mountains in the southern part of Poland. Pieniny National Park is also one of the smallest ones in Poland.

    Within its borders, there are the Pieniny Czorsztyńskie, the Three Crowns massif, and the Pieninki. The mountains are formed mainly of limestone and the area is largely forested. The distinguishing elements of this park are the waters, they also have an impact on the natural and environmental values.


    The Park protects the landscape and the flora and fauna. There are over a thousand species of vascular plants, including endemic species, i.e., species found nowhere else. Many rare animal species live here as well. Avifauna is represented by peregrine falcons, golden eagles, western capercaillie, corncrakes. Butterflies are the pride of the park, including the Apollo, a species found only in the Pieniny Mountains.


    Additional information:

    – hiking trails (a total of about 36 km),

    – Castle in Czorsztyn,

    – Red Monastery,

    – Church in Grywałd,

    – Orthodox church in Jaworki,

    – White Water Reserve in Jaworki.

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