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Prime Minister Morawiecki sums up 2021

The fight against the pandemic, the Anti-Crisis Shield, the Anti-Inflation Shield, the application to the European Commission for zero VAT on food products, and finally the Strategic Investments Program – these are the issues highlighted by the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, summing up the year 2021 in his post on Facebook.

The head of government writes that the end of the year is the time for summaries.

“The year 2021, another one marked by a pandemic, was a year full of challenges, both in terms of fighting the Covid-19 virus and its economic consequences. In order to get out of this global trouble in the best possible way, we must first of all invest wisely,” he emphasizes.

Morawiecki recalls that already six months ago, the Government Fund Polish Deal was proposed: Strategic Investments Program – which aims to increase the scale of public investments through non-returnable co-financing of investments carried out by local government units. The call for applications for the second edition of the Strategic Investments Program will last until February 15. Each local government will be able to submit three applications for funding – up to PLN 5, 30 and 65 million.


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