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    45 Russian “diplomats” to be expelled

    The Internal Security Agency (ABW) has identified 45 persons – officers of the Russian secret services and persons associated with them who have diplomatic status in Poland. The head of the ABW requests their expulsion from Polish territory.

    This information was confirmed by Stanisław Żaryn, spokesperson of the Minister-Special Services Coordinator. He added that the list of 45 names drawn up by the ABW was sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.



    Given Russia’s policy towards the Republic of Poland and its allies and because of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, the Head of the Agency requests the expulsion of the designated persons from the territory of the Republic of Poland.


    The documents of the ABW prove that the activities of the identified officials and persons collaborating with them serve the purpose of carrying out Russian intelligence projects aimed at the stability of the Republic of Poland and its partners at the international level and endangering the interests and security of Poland.


    The Head of the ABW applies to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for decisions that will cause all persons for whom an application has been made to leave our country as a matter of urgency.


    One of the officials to whom the application relates is a Russian official whose activity was identified in the investigation of a Polish national who was arrested on 17 March of this year on suspicion of espionage.


    Russian intelligence officers violate Polish law and the provisions of the Vienna Convention when they use their diplomatic status for intelligence activities.


    A spy at the registry office. He gave the Russians valuable information


    A staff member of one of the Warsaw Civil Registry Offices was arrested for his work for the Russian secret service – was reported today



    He was supposed to copy valuable documents about Poles and foreigners living in our country and hand them over to the Russians. 


    The man had already heard the indictment in the course of investigations by the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Internal Security Agency.

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