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    The establishment of the Day of the Battle of Monte Cassino and the song ‘The Red Poppies on Monte Cassino’ by the deputies of Five Star Movement in Italy

    The initiative of 3 deputies from the Five Star Movement in Italy Cattoi, Gallinella, and Frusone to establish the Day of the Battle of Monte Cassino and the song ‘The Red Poppies on Monte Cassino’. Also, the Mayor Enzo Salera supports the idea of the political party.

    In the M5S, themes are derived from ecology and anti-particracy, promoting the direct participation of citizens, who converge in the management of public affairs through forms of digital democracy. The movement wants to be a “democratic encounter outside of party and associative ties and without the mediation of directive or representational organisms, recognizing to all users of the Internet the role of government and direction that is normally attributed to a few”.


    The four battles for Monte Cassino in Italy took place between January and May. The purpose of the Day of the Battle of Monte Cassino and the song ‘The Red Poppies on Monte Cassino’ is to establish a national anniversary for the promotion and awakening of the ideals of peace, civic participation, solidarity, and volunteering in younger generations, recognizing 18 May each year as the National Day of the Battle of Monte Cassino as well as the musical composition’s Red Poppies on Monte Cassino’ to commemorate the achievements of the soldiers of the 2nd Corps of the Polish Army.

    Despite the lack of the official commemoration holiday, on May 18, every year ceremonies are held to commemorate the great Battle of Monte Cassino, in which the Italian authorities, representatives of the highest offices of the Polish state, soldiers of the 2nd Polish Army Corps staying in Poland and abroad, and their families, presidents of the largest veterans’ organizations, and the representatives of the most important national combat organizations protecting the rights of civilians in war events take part.

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