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    The first anniversary of Beatification of card. Stefan Wyszyński and mother Elżbieta Czacka in the Temple of Divine Providence

    On September 12, 2021, the beatification of card. Stefan Wyszyński and mother Elżbieta Czacka was celebrated in the Temple of Divine Providence in Warsaw. Besides the broadcast in media, over 7 thousand people took part in the celebration in person. The first anniversary of which fell yesterday, was held at the Archcathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist, the Temple of Divine Providence, and Laski.

    Card. Stefan Wyszyński was Polish archbishop of Gniezno and Warsaw and primate of Poland. He led the Church’s resistance to communism. Mother Elżbieta Czacka was a blind nun who revolutionized care for the visually impaired, for offering a “model of service.” She devoted her whole life to assisting the blind.

    The image of Bl. Stefan Wyszyński was unveiled by the members of the Apostolic Movement “Family of Families” founded by him in 1952 – Hanna Kordyasz and Piotr Kordyasz, the famous author of the book “Stefek” about the childhood of card. Stefan Wyszyński. Also, the image of Bl. Elżbieta Czacka was unveiled by Sr. Aleksandra Maczuga and Sr. Klara Zosik, teachers and tutors from the School and Educational Center of the Society for the Care of the Blind in Laski.

    The modern world needs to be reminded of the great truth that men are called for eternal life and that their life does not end here, on earth. Our faith in eternal life has a very important meaning: it teaches us to respect men. We must always remember that man is the most important, most precious, most splendid work of God. — Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński (May 24, 1964)

    In accordance with the decision of Pope Francis, the memory of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński is celebrated on May 28, and in the case of Mother Elżbieta Czacka – on May 19.

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