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    Demonstration in defense of judicial reform

    Next Saturday, February 8th at noon, in front of the building of the Constitutional Tribunal on al. Szucha in Warsaw a demonstration in defense of the judicial reform will take place. The organisers of the demonstration are the “Suwerenni” Committee and “Gazeta Polska” Clubs. The editor-in-chief of “Gazeta Polska” weekly, Tomasz Sakiewicz calls for full mobilisation of the rule of law defenders in Poland.

    The “Suwerenni” Committee already has nearly 50 people, including judge Bogusław Nizieński, chairman of NSZZ “Solidarity” Piotr Duda and many distinguished Solidarity activists like Andrzej Gwiazda and Krzysztof Wyszkowski. The reform of the judiciary, initiated in 2015 by the PiS (Law and Justice party) government, caused enormous objection from part of the judges and parliamentary opposition. Street protests were arranged to “defend the courts,” and when they failed, the Supreme Court joined the campaign. However, lots of Poles are fed up with the inviolability of the judges and expect a real reform of the justice system. “From almost all the clubs of ‘Gazeta Polska’ and many other social environments there are demands that we should join defending the sovereignty of Poland, the constitution, the Constitutional Tribunal and the reform of the judiciary. It is time to organise and clearly say that Poles will not allow to impose themselves on any form of subordination. Poland’s sovereignty is an inalienable value for us” explains the editor-in-chief of “Gazeta Polska”, Tomasz Sakiewicz.

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