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    Mother-in-law Day in Poland

    Mother-in-law Day is an annual holiday celebrated in Poland on 5 March. 

    The holiday established in the 1980s was created to demonstrate the daughter-in-law’s or son-in-law’s appreciation and respect for the mother-in-law (the wife’s/husband’s mother) for her involvement in parenting, running a shared house, and so on.

    Who is more important? Mother-in-law or świekra?

    According to Polish tradition, mother-in-law meant the wife’s mother, while świekra meant the husband’s mother. There used to be a frequent dispute over who was more important, ie., the mother-in-law or świekra

    In the old custom, it was the married wife who moved in with her husband’s family and it was the świekra who was more important. The mother-in-law, because she lived separately, did not have as much power as her husband’s mother. (

    Nowadays, however, children do not have to spend their lives under the watchful eye of the ‘mother-in-law.’ Although it is the mother-in-law who is often the negative figure of anecdotes and jokes that portray them as spiteful, nagging women who must always be right. However, life proves that mothers-in-law are also wise and understanding women who want happiness for their children.

    Mother-in-law Day in the USA

    In the USA, Mother-in-law Day is celebrated on the 4th Sunday in October, alongside National Grandparents Day. 

    “Since 2002, on the fourth Sunday of October, families have celebrated Mother-in-Law Day. (We're sure that its proximity on the calendar to Halloween is completely coincidental.) A lot of jokes have been written about mothers-in-law, but many couples rely on you — their "other mothers" — for childcare, holiday meals, and even financial support,” one can read on 

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