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The Church Warns: Political Chaos in Poland Threatens Democracy

Archbishop Józef Kupny, Deputy Chairman of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, has expressed deep concern over the current political situation in Poland, warning that the nation stands on the brink of a significant institutional crisis. In an interview with the Catholic Information Agency (KAI), he highlighted the destructive consequences of political conflict and called for responsibility among those in power. The Church, he emphasized, will not remain silent in the face of threats to democracy and the rule of law.

“We are facing institutional chaos”

This statement marks an important intervention by the Church, which has recently been less vocal on socio-political matters. Observing the current situation in Poland, Archbishop Kupny does not hide his anxiety. In his view, the political conflict has reached a level that could threaten the stability of the state and undermine the foundations of democracy.

“We cannot ignore the scale and consequences of our political conflict today, which threatens institutional chaos in the Polish state,” the clergyman warns.

The Archbishop emphasizes that the Church will not remain silent when public life conflicts reach a level that could endanger the state’s existence, and when authorities cease to respect key institutions.

“In the face of the deepening state crisis, as in previous years, the Church will call on the political class to come to their senses and reiterate that authentic democracy is only possible in a state governed by law,” the hierarch stated in the interview.

Thus, the Church once again reminds that the rule of law and institutional stability are crucial for the functioning of democracy. According to Archbishop Kupny, the current situation, where those in power undermine the existence and legality of successive institutions, leads to a dangerous erosion of the state’s authority in the eyes of citizens.

The Church is not a political actor, but…

Archbishop Kupny stresses that the Church does not intend to engage in political rivalry; however, its mission is to point out issues fundamental to society and the state.

“The Church is neither a political actor nor even a political think-tank. Its role is not to participate in political disputes or to review the actions of one side or the other in the political conflict (…). Guided by its mission and social teaching, the Church wants to look further and deeper, pointing to the most important moral and social issues,” he concluded.

The Church, as the Metropolitan of Wrocław reminds, is also called to bring hope to society. Despite the difficult political situation, the Archbishop emphasizes that we must not forget the positive aspects of Polish reality and the achievements of recent decades.

Authority cannot govern from a position of strength

The hierarch leaves no illusions – Poland is entering a period of increasing chaos, and instead of attempts to solve problems, we see an escalation of tensions and a confrontational style of governance.

“The devastating nature of social conflict in Poland is plainly visible. In addition to the deep political divide, often cutting even across Polish families, and the language of hostility in public debate, today we also see a deepening chaos in state institutions,” notes the Archbishop.

The clergyman points out that those in power, instead of focusing on solving problems, concentrate on political reckonings, leading to further destabilization.

“Today, we see the authorities focusing on settling scores with their predecessors and replicating and perpetuating the worst patterns of political conflict,” he observes.

Archbishop Kupny calls for reflection and a return to dialogue, emphasizing that only through mutual respect and understanding can the current crisis be overcome.

“We need to return to dialogue, to mutual respect, to the understanding that the common good is more important than individual ambitions and political interests,” he appeals.

The Archbishop’s words are a clear signal that the Church is aware of the seriousness of the situation and is ready to play an active role in seeking solutions to the current crisis.

“The Church will not remain indifferent to the fate of our homeland. We will continue to call for responsibility, dialogue, and respect for the principles of democracy and the rule of law,” he declares.

In the face of the deepening political crisis, the voice of the Church may become an important factor in the process of rebuilding social trust and stabilizing the state.

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