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    Did the president pressure the National Media Council into dismissing Jacek Kurski?

    The opposition in Poland raised doubts concerning the alleged demand from president Andrzej Duda to dismiss the director of the public television, Jacek Kurski in exchange for signing the bill allocating nearly two billion zloty to public media. Members of the president's cabinet responded by saying that the head of state made no such condition.

    Poland may soon introduce quarantine areas

    With seventeen cases of coronavirus now confirmed in Poland, and one patient from Poznań in a serious condition, President Andrzej Duda has called a meeting of the National Security Council for 11 o’clock tomorrow morning. According to the Polish Ministry of Health, new cases of the virus are expected to be confirmed soon. The government has introduced new sanitary controls at the main border crossings with Germany and the Czech Republic, while the Main Sanitary Inspectorate advises people to avoid large gatherings.

    Polish Bureau of Investigation seized heroin worth 60 million zloty

    During today’s press conference, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki revealed that Polish services prevented the smuggling of heroin worth over 60 million zloty. He thanked the officers of the Central Investigation Bureau of the Police, Border Guard and the National Tax Administration, who all took part in this operation.

    Germany – an opportunity for Polish family businesses

    The takeover of German enterprises is for Polish small and medium-sized family businesses an opportunity to break into new markets. They acquire the know-how and contacts - Aleksander Siemaszko from the Ministry of Development said.

    Violent protests in Chile over price increases on public transport

    Thousands of left-wing protesters gathered last night in the capital of Chile. The clashes with the police took place at Plaza Italia and were lead primarily by students. The protests against conservative President Sebastian Piñera and his government started in October last year over price increases on public transport.

    Tensions grow at the Greek-Turkish border over migrants

    The crisis on the Greek-Turkish border is growing by the day. Thousands of migrants from all across Asia and Africa have gathered at a so-called “no man’s land” between the Turkish and Greek border, trying to enter Europe by force.

    German employer threatening Poles and claiming to be a Nazi walks free

    Natalia-Nitek Płażyńska has to publicly apologise to the German businessman Hans G. who she secretly recorded when he was threatening his Polish employees and slandering the Polish nation while identifying himself as a Nazi. That was the verdict given by the court in Gdańsk. Płażyńska intends to appeal the verdict.

    Mosbacher on the sale of Javelin missiles to Poland

    The sale of the Javelin anti-tank missile launchers to Poland, which the State Department has agreed to, will contribute to the modernization of the Polish army, US Ambassador Georgette Mosbacher said.

    Polish presidency of the Visegrad Group is coming soon

    In the middle of the year, Poland will take over the presidency of the Visegrad Group and Polish diplomats want to use this time to strengthen the region's position in the European Union. For 12 months they planned 300 political, economic and cultural events in Brussels.

    Witek talked about security in the US

    Security issues dominated Tuesday's talks of Sejm Speaker Elżbieta Witek in the US Congress. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, took part in the talks, and she assured that the US was doing everything to ensure Europe's security.

    Polish patient zero in improved condition and under special care

    Dr. Jacek Smykał, head of the infectious diseases ward of the University Provincial Hospital in Zielona Góra announced, that the condition of the Polish patient infected with coronavirus has improved. The patient was transported to the hospital in a specially equipped ambulance.

    The first case of coronavirus diagnosed in Poland

    On Wednesday morning, Minister of Health Łukasz Szumowski informed that the first case of coronavirus in Poland was confirmed at night. The patient is hospitalized in Zielona Góra. The man came to Poland from Westphalia, Germany.

    Representatives of the Supreme Court fail to show up at the special session of the Constitutional Tribunal

    The Polish Constitutional Tribunal considered today the competency dispute among the president, the Sejm, and the Supreme Court, and… made no decision. At a special session of the Tribunal no representative of the Supreme Court appeared. The Supreme Court’s first president, Małgorzata Gersdorf, did send a letter to the Tribunal in which she questioned its ability to fulfil its duties.

    Elżbieta Witek begins her visit to the USA

    The Speaker of the Sejm, Elżbieta Witek has started her visit to the United States, today in Washington she will meet with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and tomorrow in New York she will talk with representatives of the Polish community.

    LOT reduces flights to Italy and Korea

    Due to lower interest in flights to Italy and South Korea, LOT Polish Airlines temporarily decided to reduce the number of flights from Warsaw to Milan and Seoul - the company reported today.

    New Polish Commissioner for EXPO 2020 appointed

    Adrian Malinowski has become the new general commissioner of the Polish section of the World Exhibition EXPO 2020 in Dubai - the Polish Investment and Trade Agency reported. He replaced Tadeusz Kościński, the Minister of Finance.

    Centre-right party wins in Slovakia

    The Ordinary People party (OLaNO) has won a resounding victory in Slovakia's parliamentary elections. This is a centre-right party focused on fighting corruption. The election campaign was dominated by public anger over the 2018 murder of an investigative journalist, Jan Kuciak, and his fiancée, Martina Kusnirova. The result has unseated the centre-left Smer-SD party, which had dominated Slovak politics.

    Poland celebrates the National Remebrance Day of the Cursed Soldiers

    Following World War II, some 200,000 people objected to Soviet oppression and approximately 20,000 of them joined armed units. Communists fought them ruthlessly, and captured fighters were tortured, killed, and often denied a proper burial. The Polish state continues to search for the remnants of several key figures in this movement. To contemporary Poles, these silent heroes are an example of devotion to the country. Remembering them is an honourable duty.

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