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    Australia on fire

    27 people have been killedand over 2,000 houses were burned down in catastrophic fires that Australia has been strugglin g with for months. According to meteorologists, the temperatures will rise again on Friday, which will make the fight against the fire even harder to win.

    Baltic Pipe project is underway

    Two gas transmission pipeline operator companies, Gaz System and Europipe, have signed a contract in Warsaw for the supply of special tubing for the offshore segment of the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline. The gas pipeline, which is to be put into operation in autumn 2022, will connect the Polish and Danish gas systems, which will allow the transmission of 10 billion cubic meters of gas from the Norwegian shelf to Poland.

    Delegation of the Venice Commission in Poland

    At the invitation of the Speaker of the Senate, Tomasz Grodzki, a delegation of the Venice Commission came to Poland. The delegation, which acts as an advisory body to the Council of Europe, is to review the amendment to the act on the changes in the system of common courts, currently under way in the Senate. 

    Iran-USA: deescalation

    Everything indicates that the conflict between the United States and Iran is far behind us, despite the fact that Donald Trump and Iranian leaders still have animosity towards each other. It seems that neither Washington nor Tehran are interested in escalating the situation. 

    The Jerusalem conference looks like an event inspired by Russia

    Since the Jerusalem conference looks like an event inspired by Russia, it would be very bad if the Polish president participated in such a propaganda meeting - said Polish Deputy Prime Minister Jacek Sasin.

    Soldiers may resume training with Iraqi troops

    I received information from the command of the NATO Mission in Iraq - all indications are that soldiers will soon resume training activities - the Minister of National Defense Mariusz Blaszczak said.

    During the Holocaust forum, the Polish president will be in Davos

    During the 5th World Holocaust Forum in Israel, President Andrzej Duda has a very important meeting and speeches in Davos - said Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz. He added that from the Polish point of view, the main ceremonies to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust will take place on January 27 in Auschwitz.

    Conversation between Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Lloyd Broderick

    Polish Prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki has spoken to Lloyd Broderick, to express his condolences and offer help to fight the catastrophic bushfires. Polish firefighters stand ready to fly to Australia the moment they are needed. Broderick said it was heartening that Poland stands so firmly with Australia at this difficult time.

    Meeting of Tomasz Grodzki with members of the European Commission to discuss the rule of law in Poland

    The speaker of the Senate, Tomasz Grodzki, met members of the European Commission today to discuss the rule of law in Poland. The meeting was held against the advice of the government. Law and Justice party politicians said that his holding this meeting is tantamount to acting against Poland’s interests. They point out that the bill they discussed has not yet been passed so there was no basis for the discussions. There seems to be no end to the opposition seeking to help the Commission just to spite the ruling party.

    13th pension for every pensioner

    Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told parliament today that money for the 13th pension payment is secured in the 2020 budget. He also said the budget is in balance for the first time since the beginning of Poland’s transformation to a market economy.

    Tehran: 176 people died in the Ukrainian plane crash

    A Ukraine International Airlines Boeing 737 crashed shortly after take-off at 06:12 local time this morning killing all 176 people on board. Flight PS 752 was travelling to Kiev from the Iranian capital Teheran. The majority of the passengers were from Iran and Canada. The cause of the crash is unknown. Reflecting current tensions between the US and Iran, the head of Iran's civil aviation organisation was quoted as saying that the plane's black box flight recorder would not be handed over to either Boeing or the Americans.

    Kazimierz Suwała will serve as the head of the European Film Center CAMERIMAGE

    The Minister of Culture and National Heritage prof. Piotr Gliński appointed Kazimierz Suwała as the head of the newly created European Film Center CAMERIMAGE in Toruń - the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage informed.

    President's condolences after the plane crash

    I received with great sadness news about more than 160 fatalities of the plane crash of a Ukrainian airline flying from Tehran to Kiev. I unite in pain and suffering with the families of all victims. May God give them eternal rest - wrote president Andrzej Duda in a condolence message.

    The e-prescription is already in force

    From January 8, electronic prescription is mandatory. However, you will still be able to make paper prescriptions at pharmacies. Not all units will be able to issue e-prescriptions, because only 61.5 percent of them are connected to the system.

    Australia: firefighter died on duty

    Australians are paying their respects to a firefighter who died in the Australia wildfires, which have been devastating the continent since September last year. His funeral was attended by several dozen of his colleagues, as well as Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, among others.

    Tomasz Grodzki defends himself against accusations of accepting bribes

    During yesterday's press conference, speaker of the Senate Tomasz Grodzki defended himself against the accusations of him accepting bribes while working in one of the hospitals in Szczecin. Grodzki presented a recording of a man who claimed that he was offered 5 thousand zloty if he confirmed that he gave Grodzki a bribe. As journalists of TVP Info gathered, the voice of the man in the recording belongs to a certain Tadeusz Staszczyk, who allegedly was once an officer of the Communist Security Office in Szczecin.

    Iranian leaders have announced 13 different scenarios of revenge on the United States

    Iranian leaders have announced 13 different scenarios of revenge on the United States for killing one of the most important people in Iran, general Qasem Suleimani. They claim that every single one of them will be like ‘hell’ for America. Today, the funeral ceremony of general Suleimani was held in his hometown – Kerman.

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    Italy: drunk driver killed tourists

    A tragic accident occurred in the north of Italy. A drunk driver drove into a group of German tourists who were standing on the side of the road. 6 people were killed and 11 were injured. All fatalities were between 20 and 25 years old.

    Unveiling Columbus: A Polish Twist to the Explorer’s Legacy

    Dr. Manuel Rosa, renowned for his research on Christopher Columbus, recently presented a groundbreaking theory at the Polish consulate in New York. Rosa challenges the conventional belief that Columbus was Italian, suggesting instead that he may have been Polish.