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    Historic: Poland celebrates 20 years of NATO membership.

    “I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.” The words of Thomas Jefferson which have particular resonance in this part of the world where the history of the past is all too often, among politicians at least, apt to be a distraction from the dreams of the future. But not always, as we think of one celebration of the recent past which does realise a dream of the past, present and future: Poland's military security.

    Fast and don't be furious

    Fashion is all about showing off. There are trends in clothing, sports, hobbys, graphic design, and even diet. But outright fasting? How did that become a thing in Poland?

    Jack Buckby on Poland Daily – the Vistula Spit Canal, EU and Russia

    Poland is trying hard to rid itself of dependence on Russia in a number areas. Bilding a canal through the Vistula Spit would allow ships to enter to port of Elbąg without having to ask for permission to sail through the territorial waters of Russia. The EU and environmental NGOs are complicating the process.

    Jack Buckby Reports – Soros Foundation Demands EU Ramps Up Pressure on Poland

    A Foundation founded in the 1980s by George Soros has released a new paper, demanding the European Union ramps up pressure on the ruling Law and Justice party of Poland. The Stefan Batory Foundation cites “relatively successful” efforts by the European Commission to “restore rule of law in Poland in 2018” but suggests that more needs to be done to bring Poland in to line. 

    A time to mourn, a time to build up

    The music slows down, friends leave the party, cheerful atmosphere fades away, and you are left alone with your thoughts on where your life is going. This is how it might feel when the carnival ends and you go to church on Wednesday to be reminded that you are nothing but ash and dust.

    Polish prime minister attends League of Arab States – European Union summit in Egypt

    Less than two weeks after the Warsaw conference on peace and security in the Middle East, jointly hosted by Poland and the United States, the Polish Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, on Sunday attended an EU-Arab League summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

    Governing party presents new electoral pledges to continue family friendly policies.

    “Men should pledge themselves to nothing; for reflection makes a liar of their resolution.” The words of Sophocles, which most politicians, nay most voters, would do well to remember. Poland’s ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS) is not shying away from making pledges confident, no doubt, that its record of implementing the pledges it made before the last elections will encourage voters to keep it in power.

    Fat Thursday! Because why wait until Tuesday?

    The last week before Lent is a festive and joyful time in many, at least traditionally, Catholic countries. Some dance in the streets, others organize parties, but we in Poland make it simple: we eat pączki, lots of them, and we do it on Thursday.

    The Great Polish Painter – Olga Boznańska

    Some people may associate her with impressionism, yet her art was actually much closer to pure modernism or postimpressionism. One simply cannot fathom the depth of Polish art without mentioning the great artist Olga Boznańska.

    Differences between living in Sweden and living in Poland

    Adam Starzyński tells Jon Carter about the differences between life in Sweden and life in Poland.

    US Ambassador to Poland tells Katz to apologise for his remarks.

    The United States ambassador to Poland, Georgette Mosbacher, said on Wednesday that the Israeli Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, should apologise for his words about Poles. Katz had said: “Poles collaborated with the Nazis, and as [Israel’s former prime minister] Yitzhak Shamir, whose father was murdered by Poles, said, they suckle anti-Semitism with their mother’s milk.”

    The President of Lithuania, Dalia Grybauskaite, on her last state visit to Poland

    The heads of state of Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, three nations that once made up the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth have meet with the soldiers of the LITPOLUKRBRIG. The multinational brigade, headquartered in the Polish city of Lublin, consists of units from the armies of Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine.

    Poland Daily Travel visits the Raffles (Europejski) Hotel in Warsaw

    Poland Daily Travel takes you to one of the oldest hotels in Poland - the Raffles Hotel in Warsaw.

    Polish Vodka Tasting With Poland Daily Culture

    Join us at the Polish Vodka Museum for a tasting.

    Unexpected results of last week’s conference …

    “If you do not expect the unexpected you will not find it, for it is not to be reached by search or trail.” The words of Heraclitus. Life was probably simpler in the sixth and fifth centuries BC, leaving plenty of time for Greeks to philosophise, but in the divine comedy that is the modern world, the unexpected seems ever present, whether serached for or not. At least, this is perhaps what the Polish prime minister thinks as he considers the unexpected results of last week’s conference on the Middle East in Warsaw, jointly organised by Poland and the United States.

    Rafako will build a compressor station for Gaz-System

    Rafako has signed a PLN 207.5 million (gross) agreement with Gaz-System to build the Kędzierzyn compressor station. This sixteenth gas compressor station in Poland is planned to be finished by the Spring of 2021.


    Entering the museum, one can find many interactive exhibitions, screenings and presentations which tell the history of vodka production throughout the centuries. We can also get valuable information and fun facts about the impact of vodka on the Polish culture and about its international career. The museum is sponsored by the Polish Vodka Association.

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    Unveiling Columbus: A Polish Twist to the Explorer’s Legacy

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    Polish Triathlete Robert Karaś Faces Disqualification and Record Loss over Doping Scandal

    Robert Karaś, a prominent Polish athlete, finds himself at the centre of controversy as the International Ultra Triathlon Association (IUTA) imposes a harsh penalty for doping violations. Karaś's once-celebrated record in the 10xIronman distance has been tarnished, marking a significant setback in his career.