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    Central European Unity Grows Stronger in the Fight Against Putin’s Disinformation

    Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

    Representatives from media regulatory bodies in Central European countries, including Poland, Ukraine, Estonia, Romania, Hungary, Latvia, and Lithuania, gathered in Warsaw to demonstrate solidarity in defending freedom of speech against Russian propaganda.

    Central European nations are increasingly united in their efforts to combat the spread of Russian disinformation and propaganda. Representatives from media regulatory bodies in Poland, Ukraine, Estonia, Romania, Hungary, Latvia, and Lithuania convened at the “Stop Disinformation and Russian Propaganda” summit held at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. The event, organized by the National Broadcasting Council of Poland, showcased the region’s unwavering commitment to countering Kremlin-driven misinformation.

    “For centuries, Moscow has considered the development and sovereignty of our shared region as one of the greatest threats to its global interests. This explains why this part of Europe is particularly susceptible to Kremlin propagandists,”

    said Maciej Świrski, Chairman of the National Broadcasting Council of Poland.

    During the summit’s opening address, Świrski outlined five key objectives for the broader media industry in democratic countries when confronting the wave of Russian fake news. These include strengthening the role of credible media, international cooperation, legal changes, promoting journalistic ethics, and effective communication with audiences.

    The intensification of disinformation campaigns is closely linked to Russia’s full-scale aggression against Ukraine, but its roots can be traced back further in history. Olha Herasymiuk, Chairwoman of the National Broadcasting Council of Ukraine, emphasized that Russian propaganda has indoctrinated generations of Russians with a false view of the world, reminiscent of dark times in history.

    Central European nations, particularly those with significant Russian-speaking minorities, have been prime targets for Kremlin disinformation. These countries have implemented strict legal measures to block TV channels, radio stations, and social media profiles that perpetuate Putin’s propaganda.

    Valentin-Alexandru Jucan, Vice Chairman of Romania’s National Audiovisual Council, emphasized the importance of European solidarity in defending the fundamental value of freedom of speech based on credible, verified information.

    Dr. György Ocskó, representing Hungary, expressed hope that coordinated actions against disinformation will extend beyond regional boundaries and become a common policy for all of united, democratic Europe.

    The centerpiece of the “Stop Disinformation and Russian Propaganda” summit, held on October 4-5, 2023, in Warsaw, is the signing of the Warsaw Declaration on Combating Disinformation. This declaration outlines the framework for cooperation among signatories to limit and expose Kremlin propaganda.

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