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    Honoring a Fallen Hero: Tribute to Sergeant Mateusz Sitek

    Yesterday, June 23, the President of the Law and Justice Party, Jarosław Kaczyński, along with party representatives, visited the grave of the late Sergeant Mateusz Sitek. The brave soldier lost his life defending Poland’s border. Together, they paid tribute to the valiant defender of the nation’s frontier.

    The Incident at the Border

    Sergeant Mateusz Sitek, from the 1st Warsaw Armored Brigade, was fatally wounded on May 28 at the Belarusian border and passed away on June 6 in Warsaw. The soldier was attacked near Dubicze Cerkiewne (Podlaskie Voivodeship) by a man among a group attempting to breach the steel barrier. While blocking the breach with a protective shield, the assailant stabbed him in the chest. The knife remained lodged in his body. Branches and stones were thrown at the wounded soldier and the Border Guard officer assisting him.

    Honoring the Brave Soldier

    Representatives of the Law and Justice Party, including President Jarosław Kaczyński, visited Sergeant Sitek’s grave yesterday. They laid flowers and honored the brave defender of Poland’s border.

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