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    Poland’s Progress in Fighting Cancer Emphasized on World Cancer Day

    As we observe World Cancer Day on February 4, it’s a moment to spotlight Poland’s strides in the battle against cancer. Take a look at the achievements, innovative projects, and positive changes that are making a difference.

    National Oncology Strategy 2020-2030

    Poland is committed to fighting cancer with its National Oncology Strategy for 2020-2030. Started in April 2019, this plan aims to detect cancer early, giving patients a better chance at recovery. The strategy focuses on five key areas: investing in personnel, education, patient care, science and innovation, and organizing the healthcare system for cancer.

    Diagnosis and Treatment Card (DiLO Card)

    The DiLO Card is a game-changer, providing swift access to diagnostic tests and cancer treatment. Tailored for patients in treatment or recently diagnosed, this assistance isn’t limited by the National Health Fund. Medical facilities offering therapy get reimbursed for all necessary procedures. The DiLO Card ensures a maximum 7-week timeline from the patient’s initial visit to diagnosis, offering a “fast oncological path” for quicker admission and testing. Within two weeks of consulting a doctor, a team will develop a personalized treatment plan, with patients having a say in the decisions.

    Breast Cancer Units

    Specialized centres, known as Breast Cancer Units, offer comprehensive care for breast cancer patients. With a team of experts, these centres provide diagnostic, surgical, and rehabilitative services. The goal is to boost the chances of recovery. The Ministry of Health is also establishing similar units, called Cancer Units, for other types of cancer like prostate and lung cancer.

    Cutting-Edge Medical Infrastructure

    Poland ensures top-notch support for cancer patients with state-of-the-art medical equipment, from accelerators to PET scanners. This adherence to European standards reflects the commitment to providing the best care.

    Oncological Network Pilot Program

    Launched in February 2019, the Oncological Network Pilot Program has cut waiting times for diagnostic tests. Initially covering specific regions, this program provides interdisciplinary teams with complete patient information, speeding up the development of optimal treatment plans. The aim is to expand this program nationwide, with the government working on legislation to make it official.

    On World Cancer Day, Poland’s dedication to advancements in oncology offers hope and inspiration in the global fight against cancer.


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