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    Presidential Aide Condemns Culture Minister’s Move as Admission of Defeat

    In a recent development, Marcin Mastalerek, the head of the Polish President’s Office, launched scathing criticism directed at Culture Minister Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz’s decision to initiate the liquidation process for public mass media entities. Mastalerek’s comments suggest a deep-seated dissatisfaction within the government ranks, signalling a rift within the ruling coalition.

    The decision made by Minister Sienkiewicz to place entities such as Polish Public Television TVP, the Polish Radio, and the Polish Press Agency PAP into liquidation was met with severe disapproval from Mastalerek. The move, taken on Wednesday, was reportedly prompted by the President’s earlier action of suspending the financial support for these media organizations.

    Mastalerek took to the X platform to express his vehement opposition, likening Minister Sienkiewicz’s actions to those of an aggressor. He characterized the initial move by the Minister as an aggressive assault and criticized the subsequent threat of dismantling everything in response to what he termed as “effective resistance.”

    The President’s aide articulated a strong stance, highlighting the apparent helplessness of the authorities in effecting changes within these media companies through legal channels. He underscored the perceived lack of viable options for the government, leading them to opt for liquidation—a move that had been previously floated within the government coalition and extensively discussed in the media.

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