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    Strengthening Polish-Canadian Ties: A Meeting of Minds

    First Lady of Poland meets with Michael Dembek to discuss Polish-Canadian integration projects.

    Engaging with the Polish Diaspora

    Today, the First Lady of Poland, Agata Kornhauser-Duda, held a meeting with Michael Dembek, the President of the British Columbia Branch of the Canadian Polish Congress. The conversation centered around the projects and integration efforts of the Polish community in Canada.

    Reflecting on Past Visits

    During their April visit to Canada, the Presidential Couple met with Polish communities in Vancouver and Edmonton. Today, the First Lady fondly recalled the warm hospitality extended by Polish Canadians. Michael Dembek also brought a greeting letter from children in Vancouver, whom the First Lady had visited during her trip.

    Fostering Youth and Integration Initiatives

    The discussions at the Presidential Palace emphasized initiatives aimed at the younger generation of the Polish diaspora and the promotion of projects that unite Poles in Canada. Michael Dembek, also serving as the Business Development Manager at the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) in Canada, organizes trade missions and business events, promoting Polish exports and investments. Notably, he is the youngest president of any KPK branch in Canada.

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