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    The Growing Popularity of Homeschooling in Poland

    Insights on Poland’s homeschooling tradition and concerns over the recent rise in mass online education methods.

    Homeschooling Tradition in Poland
    During a recent meeting of the Council for Family, Education, and National Development, experts discussed the growing role of homeschooling in Poland. Led by Prof. Andrzej Waśko, the discussion highlighted Poland’s rich tradition of homeschooling, which, despite being banned during the communist era, saw a revival in the 1990s. Since then, many families have chosen to educate their children at home, aided by experienced educators, psychologists, and advisors.

    Challenges of Mass Homeschooling
    Participants noted a significant rise in homeschooling numbers, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic. While homeschooling offers personalized education, the shift towards mass online schooling is a concern. Some fear this trend may reflect an avoidance of the structured discipline required in traditional schools. Additionally, lower exam results among students in these online alternatives raise questions about the effectiveness of mass homeschooling. Experts emphasized that true homeschooling requires parents’ active involvement and commitment to following the national curriculum.

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