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The Polish Television Channel for Belarus is appealing to the government not to close the station

Employees of Biełsat TV, a Polish public television channel directed at Belarusians, have written an open letter to Minister of Foreign Affairs Radosław Sikorski, urging him to maintain the station’s operations. Journalists warn of Biełsat’s unstable financial situation and difficulties in continuing its activities. ‘With our information, we reach tens of millions of viewers where freedom of speech does not exist,’ they emphasized in the letter. 

‘Individuals cooperating with Biełsat are considered extremists in Belarus and foreign agents in Russia and will be punished under the new law on discrediting the Russian army. Many of us have nowhere to return. We face repression and imprisonment, which threatens our families who remain in Belarus and Russia,’ they wrote, reminding that 17 of their colleagues are already imprisoned in Belarus.

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