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    The World’s Favorite Superfruits from Poland

    Blueberries have topped the rankings of the world’s healthiest foods. How did we become a major producer and exporter of these berries? Why are Polish fruits considered the tastiest in Europe? The answer is simple and somewhat surprising.

    The Key to Polish Blueberries’ Success

    The secret to Poland’s success with highbush blueberries is the climate. It makes berry fruits our horticultural showcase. Nowhere else in Europe or the world produces such a wide variety of berry fruits in such large quantities and of such exceptional quality.

    Thanks to favorable climatic and soil conditions, as well as a tradition of cultivation, Poland plays a significant role in berry production. We are the world’s largest exporter of concentrated juices and frozen berry fruits. Highbush blueberries have been grown in Poland for 50 years, and we are the largest exporter in Europe.

    “Sorry, That’s Our Climate”

    Blueberries are berries that thrive in our climate, characterized by large daily and yearly temperature fluctuations. Warm days and cool nights create a unique balance of sweet and sour flavors, unmatched in colder northern climates, continental interiors, maritime western regions, or the Mediterranean south.

    “This is why our blueberries are considered the best in Europe. They might even be the best in the world,” says Ireneusz Komorowski, a blueberry grower and long-time president of the Polish Blueberry Growers Association.

    Health Benefits of Berry Fruits

    Large temperature fluctuations give berry fruits their color and high polyphenol content, making them particularly valuable for health. Compared to other foods, berry fruits are among the richest sources of these compounds.

    Polyphenols are organic compounds with strong antioxidant effects. Blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, responsible for their characteristic blue-purple color.

    Incorporating Berries into Your Diet

    A diet rich in polyphenols helps improve health and reduces the risk of many metabolic diseases, cancers, and premature aging. To increase polyphenol intake, it’s worth eating berry fruits, often recommended by dietitians.

    A cup of berry fruits with a meal is one of the simplest steps to maintaining health. Eating blueberries and other dark berries can slow down the aging process. Blueberries help prevent metabolic diseases, lipid disorders, atherosclerosis, insulin sensitivity, and cancer.

    Blueberries are one of the richest sources of polyphenols, but these compounds are also found in aronia, blackcurrants, honeyberries, blackberries, and raspberries. Hence the terms “superfruits” and “Polish superfruits.” Poland happens to be the world’s largest producer of most of these species.

    Poland’s Superfruits

    Polish aronia accounts for 3/4 of the world’s harvest. Polish blackcurrants make up more than half of global production. Significant contributions to this position come from the Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice, a unique research unit that develops innovative solutions in collaboration with horticultural entrepreneurs.

    Poland is a pioneer in honeyberry cultivation, with the world’s largest plantations and the most popular self-picking events, held annually by at least a dozen plantations in half the provinces.

    Poland is also a leading producer of raspberries, ranking second in Europe. Although blackberry production is smaller than other berry fruits, Poland is still a notable producer in Europe.

    The Benefits of Self-Picking

    According to Kantar Polska research, 76% of respondents are interested in self-picking Polish vegetables and fruits, representing 24.6 million Poles, 1.9 million more than in 2023. The most desired fruits for self-picking are strawberries (35%), raspberries (23%), and blueberries (21%).

    In late July, at the peak of the blueberry season, consider self-picking and freezing the fruits. Seasonal eating is an opportunity. Freezing maintains high polyphenol content. In peak season, fruits are ripest and cheapest. We can process or freeze berry fruits to enjoy their benefits year-round. Consider buying more and freezing quickly, especially with the growing self-picking options.

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