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    Tri-City ports boost the handling capacity of grains

    Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

    According to port officials, efforts are being made to boost the handling capacity for grains at the Tri-City ports. The combined ports of Gdansk and Gdynia reported a total of 6.6 million tonnes of grain handled in 2022.

    “In terms of grain handling, Gdynia is not only the main Polish port, but also the largest Baltic port. In 2022, the Port of Gdynia handled 4.7 million tonnes of cereals, with wheat, maize and soybean meal being the most handled.”,

    Aleksander Wicka, Head of the Marketing Department of the Port of Gdynia Authority conveyed.

    In the Port of Gdynia, grain handling is handled by four terminals: HES Gdynia Bulk Terminal, OT Port Gdynia, Speed, and Mondry Terminal Gdynia.

    “It should be stressed that of great importance in terms of handling capacity is the way in which grain is delivered to the port, as the most efficient way is to transport it by rail using wagons adapted to carrying grain. Meanwhile, today, the vast majority of deliveries are made by lorries”.

    he explained.

    On Tuesday, Poland and Ukraine concluded discussions on the transportation of grain through Poland. The Minister of Agriculture, Robert Telus, revealed that the SENT monitoring system, currently utilized to monitor fuel transportation, will be implemented for grain transit from Ukraine. Furthermore, Ukrainian grain shipments passing through Poland will be electronically sealed with GPS. The minister also disclosed that all excess grain, approximately 4 million tonnes, will be exported from Poland to create space for the new harvest’s grain by July.

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