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TV Republika Spot Highlights Key Moments in Poland’s Modern History: “Thank You for Freedom”

TV Republika’s newest feature, “Thank You for Freedom,” highlights significant events and personalities from the past century of Polish history. This solemn and dignified film is elevated by Marek Bałat’s moving performance of “Te Deum (Wrocław).”

Through powerful imagery and evocative music, viewers are taken on a journey through key moments that have shaped the country and its people, celebrating the hard-won freedom that Poles enjoy today.

This feature serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made and the struggles faced by those who fought for independence and democracy, leaving viewers with a deep appreciation for the value of freedom.

In the spot prepared by the TV Republika team, we can see the most important figures and moments of Polish history since the regaining of independence in 1918.

We can see scenes from the Polish-Bolshevik War, the September campaign, the battle for Monte Cassino Hill and the Warsaw Uprising. There are also shots referring to the struggle of the Steadfast Soldiers and the person of Witold Pilecki.

We then see scenes from the “Solidarity” period – strike in the Gdańsk Shipyard, the person of Blessed Father Jerzy Popiełuszko, and later – the pilgrimage of St John Paul II to his homeland.

In the fragment devoted to recent history, we recognise the figures of Prime Minister Jan Olszewski, President Lech Kaczyński and his visit to Tbilisi in 2008, as well as the visit of the prime ministers of Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovenia to Kyiv in March 2022, and the visit of President Joe Biden to Poland.

The featured scenes are accompanied by the solemn hymn ‘Te Deum (Wroclaw)’, performed by Marek Bałat.

The spot by TV Republika/ YouTube

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