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Do not cancel the trip, change the date!

The Polish Tourism Organisation promotes the campaign”Do not cancel the trip, change the date. Let’s support tourism!” The campaign gives customers confidence that they will not lose money and
the tourism industry will maintain financial liquidity.

The Polish Tourism Organization (Polska Organizacja Turystyczna – POT) emphasizes that the tourism industry is one of the first to suffer from the expansion of the coronavirus pandemic (SARS-Cov-2). “If you have recently made reservations for travel, stay or a table in a restaurant, please do not cancel them. If you cannot leave now, please contact the entity with whom you made the reservation and ask to change the date”, deputy Minister of Development, Andrzej Gut -Mostowy said. He added that, thanks to this, customers will be able to be sure that they will not lose their money, and the tourist industry will receive specific assurance that customers will return after the crisis. President of the POT, Robert Andrzejczyk noted that the campaign was created from the bottom-up. “The tourism industry itself understands the current situation and is ready to change booking dates for later due to sanitary restrictions and customer concerns”, he added.

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