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Investments to fight against drought

The weir on the Jeziorka river will be modernized over the next few months. The Company “Wody Polskie” has opened the tender procedure, President Andrzej Duda announced today. The investment is to help fight against drought in the future.

“It will be one of 650 investments of this type that are currently implemented throughout Poland within the +Small retention+ program. The program is to prevent drought in Poland in the future. It will be implemented as part of the policy currently pursued by the Polish government, by the Ministry of Economy Maritime and Inland Navigation”, the President said at the weir on Jeziorka river (Masovian province). According to him, the renovation of the weir on Jeziorka will be carried out in the coming months. “Weir today, thanks to its function, thanks to the damming that we see at the moment, which as a result of the renovation will be raised by at least another meter, provides irrigation directly to over 20 hectares of land surrounding us and the irrigation effect has over 200 hectares around”, Duda noted. He also informed that the modernization of 650 facilities will cost over 157 million PLN.

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