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Tuesday very busy for the fire brigade in Poland

Strong wind and heavy rainfall caused that firefighters intervened 378 times. They removed fallen trees, broken branches, and pumped water, spokesman for the chief of the State Fire Service, Capt. Krzysztof Batorski announced on Tuesday.

Yesterday, there were 1829 fire brigade interventions, including 313 fires. Three people were killed and three wounded. The storms that passed on Monday evening, among others, over the Łódz region, caused damage to the Łaski poviat. The roof of one of the houses was completely broken. Damage was also reported on six farm buildings. Damage also occurred in the Sieradz poviat. The gale broke away 20 square meters of roofing from an farm building in Emilianów. During the storm one medium voltage line was broken in the Sieradz energy region. In Dolny Śląsk province, due to heavy rainfall, the national road no. 35 between Wrocław and Tyniec Mały was temporarily impassable. Road services, police and fire brigade worked on site.

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