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Unexploded bomb in Łomża and evacuation of residents

Dozens of people had to be evacuated in Łomża on Monday after an unexploded bomb was found
during the earthworks, the police informed. The unexploded explosion was removed by sappers that

On Monday morning, the police received information about an unexploded bomb found during
construction works at ul. Wiejska in Łomża. The police in Podlasie reported that it was a mortar
grenade, which was secured by police officers until the arrival of the sappers. According to the police,
by the decision of the sapper commander, the inhabitants of nearby blocks were evacuated, within a
radius of approx. 300 meters, during the pick-up and removal of the unexploded bomb. In total, it
was approx. 50 people. In the afternoon, after 2 p.m., the sappers’ action was over and the residents
could return to their homes.

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