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Błaszczak: The next step is behind us

The next step is behind us, the Head of the Ministry of National Defense, Mariusz Błaszczak, wrote after the decision of the Senate, which on Wednesday supported the bill authorizing the President to ratify the Polish-American Agreement on increasing the number of American troops in Poland. The US ambassador to Poland also expressed satisfaction with the vote.

‘The Senate has adopted an act on the ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the US Government on enhanced defence cooperation. Now the act will be signed by the President,’ Minister Błaszczak wrote on Twitter.

The US Ambassador to Poland, Georgette Mosbacher, did not overlook the vote in the Senate. After the vote, she wrote on Twitter: ‘The Polish Senate has adopted the law on the ratification of the Agreement on enhanced defence cooperation between the United States and Poland. This is another milestone in the defence cooperation between our countries.’

The Senate supported the bill mentioned above, following the recommendation of two Senate committees: foreign affairs and the European Union, and the national defence. In the Senate, 91 senators voted to support the bill; neither was against; three senators abstained.

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