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Firefighters-rescuers apply to assist temporary hospitals

Paramedics from the State Fire Service will support temporary hospitals, including the one being built at the National Stadium, the spokesman of the Chief Commander of the State Fire Service, capt. Krzysztof Batorski informed. As he added, 250 volunteers with paramedic qualifications have already applied to help.

Batorski noted that 50 firefighters-rescuers would be directed to Warsaw, where they will work in temporary hospitals designed to fight SARS-CoV-2.

“These 50 paramedics volunteered. They are not employed in the State Emergency Medical Services, so sending them to Warsaw will not weaken the system,” Batorski told Polish Press Agency.

He added that another 200 volunteers from the State Fire Service are currently in reserve and will also be sent to help if necessary. Paramedics will be located in Warsaw’s hotels.

All firefighters of the State Fire Service are trained in qualified first aid. At the same time, the medical rescue diploma has 2,400 of them, eight hundred of them work additionally in the State Emergency Medical Services, being a member of ambulance teams.

Yesterday, the head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Michał Dworczyk, informed about nearly 100 applications from nurses and paramedics ready to work in the hospital at the National Stadium. He also announced that a hotline for medics who want to work in temporary hospitals would be launched on Wednesday.

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