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Kołodziejczak is like Lempart. Minister of Agriculture criticizes sharply AgroUnion strikes

‘No farmer would agree to such disrespect for an animal. A pig slaughtered and abandoned on the street can only prove one thing that AgroUnia is a different version of the ‘red lightning’ (women’s strike logo) because it is the same level of aggression, logic and political aspirations and its boss Michał Kołodziejczak decided to become an agricultural version of Marta Lempart’ – this is how Grzegorz Puda, the Minister of Agriculture, comments on AgroUnia’s behaviour in an interview for

Michał Kołodziejczak, famous for his pro-Russian sympathies, the leader of AgroUnion, decided to throw tons of food on the street as a protest, and besides thousands of eggs and the corpse of a pig. Such treatment of food and animals outraged many Poles. The Open Cages Association decided to file a report to the Prosecutor’s Office because, in their opinion, such treatment is a violation of the act on animal protection. Incidentally, the law lists the cases in which slaughter can be carried out and there is no mention of killing pigs for protest.


The behaviour of AgroUnion is strongly condemned by the Minister of Agriculture Grzegorz Puda. 


‘How are we supposed to call the farmers of AgroUnion activists? Let’s think which farmer would throw with such a contempt an effect of his hard work on the pavement. Especially now during the pandemic crisis, when many agricultural industries have problems because of this. We talk so much about wasting food, there are so many people in need, so many wonderful actions such as “noble package” in which people give support to others also by sharing food. No farmer would agree to such disrespect for an animal. A pig, slaughtered and abandoned on the street, can only testify to one thing: AgroUnia is a different version of the ‘red lightning’ because it is the same level of aggression, logic and political aspirations and its boss Michał Kołodziejczak decided to become an agricultural version of Marta Lempart’ – emphasised the Minister of Agriculture.

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