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Distance learning for older students extended

Distance learning has been extended till March 14 for students of classes IV-VIII of primary and secondary schools. Younger pupils – from classes I-III of elementary schools – continue to be taught stationary in schools, except pupils from Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodeship who are returning to distance learning.

Today, an amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Science on temporary restrictions on the operation of units of the education system in connection with the prevention, counteraction and eradication of COVID-19 came into force. 


According to the resolution, the suspension of classes for students in classes IV-VIII of primary schools for children and youth, primary schools for adults, secondary schools, lifelong learning institutions, vocational training centres, remedial and educational centres and children’s holiday homes is extended until 14 March. These students will continue to learn remotely. The stationary operation of school youth hostels is also still suspended until March 14. 


The teaching of younger pupils also remains unchanged, except for Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship. There, from March 1 to March 14, in-state tuition is suspended for grades I-III in elementary schools. In Warmia and Mazury, due to the epidemic situation in the region, students from younger grades are returning to distance learning for two weeks. 


In other voivodeships, pupils of classes I-III of primary schools and special schools, who returned to full-time education in schools on 18 January, will continue to learn in this mode. 


Nationwide, preschool and kindergarten classes will, as before, be held on-site. Certain exceptions to the limitation on full-time teaching introduced by previous amendments to the regulation will also continue to apply.

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