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The Press Officer of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw: We will challenge the decision regarding Nowak

The Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw will challenge today’s decision of the District Court in Warsaw not to extend the pre-trial detention of Sławomir Nowak suspected of a number of corruption offences – informs the Press Officer of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw prosecutor Aleksandra Skrzyniarz. She added that the risk of Nowak’s escape from the country due to his international contacts is very high.

Today, the District Court in Warsaw decided not to extend the pre-trial detention for Sławomir Nowak, a former minister.


‘The Regional Prosecutor’s Office has seven days from today to lodge a complaint in this case and within this period this complaint will be done,’ announced in an interview with niezalezna. pl prosecutor Aleksandra Skrzyniarz.


‘The court’s decision poses a very high risk to the proper conduct of the proceedings, primarily by giving the suspect the opportunity to flee the country. The risk of Sławomir N. escape is extremely high due to high risk of punishment of his actions, which amounts to up to 20 years in prison and his undoubted international contacts, which result from the content of the charges announced to him,’ said the Press Officer of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw.


In addition, she stated that the release from custody would also allow the former Minister to influence new witnesses, whom the Prosecutor’s Office will interrogate, as well as the co-suspect, with whom Sławomir Nowak will be confronted.


He is suspected of serious criminal offences – directing an organized crime group, paid protection, as well as demanding and accepting personal and financial benefits totalling several million PLN. The acts under investigation of the District Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw include the criminal activity on the territory of the Republic of Poland, but also in Ukraine. The evidence based on which the prosecutor formulates the allegations was obtained as part of an international investigation conducted by a joint team of prosecutors from Poland and Ukraine, as well as officers of the Polish Central Anti-Corruption Bureau (CBA) and the Ukrainian National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU).

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