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Poles are longer professionally active

According to the announcement of the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) which was sent to the editorial team of FilaryBiznesu. pl, more and more people postpone their retirement and continue to be professionally active. It turns out that this has been a trend among seniors for three years now.

It is worth noting that retirement is an entitlement, not an obligation. This means that those who wish to remain economically active can postpone the moment of retirement. At this point, it is worth considering whether it is worth extending your working life past retirement age. Longer professional activity has a positive impact on the amount of the benefit, and postponing the decision to quit work for just one year makes it possible to receive a higher pension even by 10-15 per cent.


“Pension depends on the number of pension contributions you have paid and the age at which you apply for the benefit. If you wait even one year and continue working, you may receive a benefit that is even 10-15 per cent higher. This is due to the additional contributions paid, their indexation and the lower number of months of life in retirement used in the calculation,” explains Beata Kopczyńska, a regional ZUS spokesperson in the Silesia Voivodeship.


2020 was a continuation of good practice. 62.4 per cent retired exactly at retirement age, while 24.7 per cent retired within less than a year of reaching retirement age and 12.9 per cent retired at least a year after getting pension entitlements.


Statistics clearly show that Poles are increasingly recognizing the benefits of delaying professional deactivation.


The main reason for the significant change in the trend in retirement behaviour of Poles can be seen in the increased awareness of all economically active people. Pension advisors, appointed in July 2017, also play a key role in helping Social Security customers decide when to retire.

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