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    E-commerce in Poland maintains the upward trend

    In 2022, the online share in retail may be double-digit – assesses Grzegorz Rudno-Rudziński, the Managing Partner at Unity Group.

    According to Unity Group’s calculations, averaged based on GUS (Statistics Poland) data, the share of e-commerce in retail sales as of May 2020 amounted to 8.5%. The trend is upward and based on this, the weight of online sales in total trade is expected to permanently exceed double-digits in 2022, which would only confirm our observations that there has been a fundamental shift in the market when it comes to consumer perception of online shopping.


    “What might influence the continued behavior of this trend? What could slow it down is the complete disappearance of Covid, which we are unlikely to expect in the near future. There are many more factors in favor of further strengthening of this course,” assessed the expert.


    And add that “the value of the domestic online market, which exceeded the magic threshold of PLN 100 billion, made it profitable for Amazon to enter it, which is an impulse for a more active fight in this market space”.

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