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    Polish National Parks – Gorce National Park

    The symbol of the park is a black-spotted salamander on a yellow background. The area of Gorce was considered extremely valuable and worth protecting mainly because of its natural and landscape values much earlier than the establishment of the Park because it was noticed already before World War II.

    The Gorce National Park was established in 1981. It includes the central and northeast parts of the Gorce Range. The total cover of the GNP is 7,030 hectares and roughly half of this area is under a strict nature conservation regime. GNP protects not only the Gorce Range’s nature but also a rich cultural heritage.


    The most specific and peculiar features of the Park’s landscape are the Gorce glades. They are also very attractive for tourists because you can enjoy beautiful views of the Pieniny, Tatra Mountains, Beskid Wyspowy (also called Island Beskid), Żywiec Beskids, and Beskid Sądecki.


    On the official website of the Park we can read:


    “Seen from the European perspective the GNP is rich in rare bird species, e.g., Capercaillie, White-backed Woodpecker, Eurasian pygmy owl, and the Urals owl and thus, the Gorce National Park became included into the Natura 2000 network as a Special Bird Protection Area. Soon, it will even join – as called “The Gorce Wilderness” – the Natura 2000’s Special Habitat Protection Areas network”


    Additional attractions in and around the Park:

    – hiking trails (total approx. 236 km),

    – Władysław Orkan Regional Museum in Rabka-Zdrój,

    – larch manor house of the Tetmajers in Łopuszna,

    – museum in Szczawa.


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