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“A journalist who knew too much.” The premiere of a new book about Jarosław Ziętar is ahead of us

“A Journalist Who Knew Too Much” is the title of a new book about a journalist from Poznań, Jarosław Zięta. The premiere of the publication is scheduled for Wednesday. The authors try to answer questions in the report, among others why the young reporter had to die and what was the role of the secret services in this case.

Jarosław Ziętara was born in Bydgoszcz in 1968. He was a graduate of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. First, he worked in the academic radio, later he collaborated with, among others, “Gazeta Wyborcza”, “Kurier Codzienny”, the weekly “Wprost” and “Gazeta Poznańska”.

Ziętara dealt with, among others, the subject of the so-called Poznań’s informal economy. For this reason – according to the findings of the prosecutor’s office – he was to be kidnapped and murdered. Ziętara was last seen on September 1, 1992. He left for work in the morning, but never reached the editorial office of “Gazeta Poznańska”.

In 1999, Ziętara was presumed dead. Thanks to this, his family could put a symbolic plaque on the cemetery in Bydgoszcz. The journalist’s body has not been found to this day.

Currently, two trials are pending in the Poznań court regarding the journalist’s case. In the first of them, the former senator Aleksander Gawronik (he agrees to the publication of his full name), accused of inciting the murder of Ziętara, sits on the bench of the defendant’s. In the second case, the prosecutor’s office accused former bodyguards of Elektromis – Mirosław R., ps. Ryba, and Dariusz L., ps. Lala – for the abduction, imprisonment and aiding in the murder of a reporter.

On Wednesday, the publishing house “Otwarte” will publish a new book describing Ziętara’s case, “The Journalist Who Knew Too Much. Why did Jarosław Ziętara have to die? ”.


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