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Millions of viewers watched the beatification Holy Mass of Primate Wyszyński and Mother Czacka

Over 2 million viewers followed the beatification Holy Mass on September 12 of Primate Stefan Wyszyński and mother Elżbieta Czacka broadcast live on the most important television stations, informed the press office of the Archdiocese of Warsaw.

The announcement released on Monday indicated that “Sunday beatification ceremonies in Warsaw were broadcast by: Telewizja Polska, TVN24, Polsat News, Telewizja Trwam and Telewizja Republika as well as the international EWTN Global Catholic Network and radio stations, including Polskie Radio, Radio dla Ciebie, Radio Plus, Radio Fara, Radio Maryja, Katolicka Rozgłośnia Radiowa Fiat, Radio Jasna Góra, Radio Wnet, Radio Kraków; the report was also prepared by the Reuters Agency”.

The office of the “Niepodległa” Program provided large screens, thanks to which the faithful in 16 locations all over Poland could watch the broadcast of the ceremony together, thus connecting with those gathered in the Temple of Divine Providence. The parishes also organized watching TV or Internet broadcasts in churches for the faithful.

“The social media of the Archdiocese of Warsaw alone recorded: over 62 thousand plays of the beatification mass broadcast on YouTube and over 16 thousand views on Facebook. Both of these figures continue to rise,” we can read in the release.


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