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The Beskid skiing museum will be created in Wisła

The Museum of Beskid Skiing is to be established in Wisła by the local and Silesian authorities. Tadeusz Papierzyński from the Wisła municipal office said that the opening could take place in autumn 2023. The exposition will be based mainly on trophies and collections of Adam Małysz.

 – This is a joint initiative of Mayor Tomasz Bujok and Adam Małysz and the Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship. The museum will be built in the centre of Wisła, in the park hall belonging to the city. It would present, above all, medals and cups won at ski jumping hills by Adam Małysz, but also our other champions, such as Piotr Żyła, or Olympic athletes: runners, alpinists – said Tadeusz Papierzyński.


Among other things, a collection of skis belonging to Malysz will be presented. – It is very rich. That’s about 200 pairs of skis,” he added. 


The Wisła local government has already taken the first step towards creating the museum. A tender is being held for the preparation of comprehensive project documentation of extension and adaptation of the hall in Kopczyńskiego Park. Eight bids were received. The municipal office stated that it was willing to pay PLN 150,000. The price range of the offers is from PLN 61,500 to PLN 273,000.


Papierzynski said the company, with which the contract is signed, will have six months to complete the project.  


After that, you have to get all the permits. We hope it will take the whole next year to design and complete the documents, he added.


Papierzyński, who is the head of the Department of Promotion, Tourism, Culture and Sport in the Wisła office, said that separate tenders will select contractors for construction works and the project of the installation itself. It is supposed to be modern, interactive, and multimedia. 


 – We would like the construction of the museum to start, if not already next fall, then in the spring of 2023. It could open in the fall of 2023, he said. 


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