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Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec

While visiting Kraków, find some time for a trip to Tyniec. It’s less than an hour on a bus or a bike. The Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec is worth it!

It is located on a limestone hill; the monastery looks more like a medieval fortress than a temple. No wonder – in its beginnings the Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec also performed defensive functions.


The road to the Abbey leads through the ‘castle’, a 16th-century abbey building. Behind it, there is a large courtyard, where in former times the abbot welcomed distinguished guests. In addition, the monastery complex includes a library, which was opened in 2008 after the reconstruction of the so-called Great Ruin.


On the Krakow.Travel website we can read that there is also the church of St Peter and St Paul in which visitors can find:

– gothic chancel,

– rococo main altar made of black marble,

– a baroque pulpit in the shape of a boat,

– a polychrome from the 16th century depicting The Magi.


More information about Benedictine Abbey you can find here




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