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Remember! Wear a mask in cinemas and theatres!

The obligation to maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters between pedestrians, a mask covering the nose and mouth, among others on bus and tram, limited seats in theatres and cinemas – these are only some of the rules that still apply in connection with the pandemic.

There are still many rules and restrictions related to the coronavirus in Poland. Some of them are scheduled for the end of October, others are valid until further notice – according to the information posted on the gov. pl website.

It is obligatory to maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters between pedestrians. Excluded from this obligation are, among others, parents with children requiring care (up to 13 years of age), people living together, people with a certificate of the degree of disability, and people with a certificate of need for special education.

Covering the mouth and nose in various enclosed spaces is also mandatory.

The mouth and nose must be covered, for example, in the cinema and theatre, at the doctor’s, in the clinic, in the hospital, in other public buildings (court, cultural institution, bank, post office, etc.).


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