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Celebration of the Wrocław science festival

As every year, on November 15, on the anniversary of the first post-war lecture, the academic community of Wrocław celebrates its holiday. “I am convinced that here, in the academic community, the foundation of a rational, open, and compassionate society is forged,” emphasized the Rector of the University of Wrocław, prof. dr hab. Przemysław Wiszewski.

November 15 is traditionally an academic celebration of Wrocław. On that day, in 1702, the activities of the Leopoldine Academy, the first university in Wrocław and the first in Silesia, were inaugurated. Also on this day, in 1945, classes began at Polish universities established in Wrocław after the war. The first lecture at the university was delivered by Ludwik Hirszfeld, and at the polytechnic – by Kazimierz Idaszewski.


Traditionally, Monday’s ceremonies began with laying flowers at the monument to Lviv professors shot by the Germans in July 1941 and at the plaques at Sądowa and Kleczkowska Streets, where Krakow scholars were imprisoned on their way to the Sachsenhausen camp in November 1939.


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