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Col. Pietrzak: “The night at the border was not peaceful”

The movements of migrants near the Polish-Belarusian border are being constantly observed by Polish services, among others thanks to the drones – said the spokesman of the TDF Command, Colonel Marek Pietrzak. He added that last night was not peaceful as attempts continue to be made to cross the border illegally. Within the TDF there will also be an “Honour” Task Group, whose task will be to defend the good name of the soldiers of this formation.

Colonel Pietrzak was asked in TV Republika about the last night on the Polish-Belarusian border.


“Unfortunately, we’d like to live to see such a time as this, that we can chalk up last night as the first, shall we say, quiet one. On the other hand, this one was not one of those,” he explained.


“There are still attempts by migrants to cross the border illegally. Of course, we observe, if only through our reconnaissance drones, the movements directly at the border of groups of migrants,” he said.


“We see how they are inspired or how they are supervised by officers of the Belarusian border guards possibly other Belarusian uniformed services,” noted a spokesman for the TDF Command.


Col. Pietrzak assessed that “the other side is all the time looking for such a soft underbelly, i.e. a possibility to break through our border”.


A spokesman for the TDFCommand pointed out that “during the day, more +spectacular+ attempts are made to cross the border, under the cameras, to practice propaganda with them afterwards”.


“To play it to the media to misinform in a certain way,” he added.


“On the other hand, at night, usually these larger groups that undertake such activities during the day, as we have recently observed in the area of the Kuźnica border crossing (…) – these groups are breaking up into smaller groups or being split up; are sometimes taken to more distant places from where they were gathered during the day, and there they make attempts to cross the border,” – colonel Pietrzak explained.


Col. Marek Pietrzak also informed that an “Honour” Task Group will be established within the WOT”. Its task will be to defend the good name of the soldiers of this formation,” he pointed out. 


According to the release, the mission of the Honour Task Force is to defend the good name of OT soldiers. As it was emphasized, the defamatory content “will be subjected to an immediate qualification of the act” and with an appropriate application handed over to the court.


“Due to the increasing amount of content appearing in the information domain of an insulting, defamatory nature and damaging to the good name of TDF soldiers and the formation itself, a task force has been established to respond to irresponsible statements made by public figures or Internet users,” it was reported.


As noted, dozens of people responded to the urgent announcement for Territorial Defense soldiers to report to the task force.


“Utilizing the potential of OT soldiers with legal training and experience and soldiers comfortable with the Internet, a legal rapid response group was formed. In this way, using dual-use competencies (legal profession and service to the Motherland), Territorials will take care to protect the good name of their colleagues,” the announcement says


In addition to lawyers and law students, the team included a former police officer, now an OT soldier, who in his service in the Police Department dealt with the prosecution of persons defaming the good name of the Police. Coordination of the teamwork is the responsibility of the Chief of the Legal Branch of TDF Command, and performing duties for the task force will be additionally rewarded with points in the qualifications for SONDA and AGRICOLA courses and taken into account in the evaluation of soldiers.


As the TDF spokesman said, the main tasks of the group include not only reacting to “evidently defamatory statements of public figures, but also searching for content in social media, and in comments under articles or posts”.


“The team of specialists will also deal with content reported by OT soldiers, or by people who are strongly affected or offended by content about our formation that they have come across on the Internet or in the media,” was noted in the information.


Additionally – as they added – in the face of the hybrid war, “whose tool is the use of the Internet to build hatred against the uniformed services, including soldiers of the Territorial Defense Forces, and thus weaken the morale and impose negative thought patterns on society, social initiatives were created, such as”.


It was also added that representatives of the legal profession offer free legal assistance to soldiers of the Polish Army, Border Guard officers and members of their families in the event of criminal threats against them.

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