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Should Poland sue Belarus and demand compensation? Sakiewicz has no doubts

“We spend huge money on securing the border, on maintaining the army. For every day that we have to spend money on this, Belarus should give us money back, because it is the organizer and the main perpetrator of the aggression against Poland,” Tomasz Sakiewicz, editor-in-chief of the “Gazeta Polska” and “Gazeta Polska” daily, said today on TVP Info.

Editor-in-chief Tomasz Sakiewicz spoke today in the program “Info Day” on TVP Info about actions that Poland can take against the Lukashenko regime. He indicated that Belarus should give Poland the money it spends on securing the border and maintaining the army. 


“We spend huge money on securing the border, on maintaining the army. We should start counting everything and make sure that Belarus will have to give this money back,” said the editor-in-chief of “Gazeta Polska”.


Tomasz Sakiewicz stressed that Poland should “turn to international arbitration courts, which resolve such disputes, to seize the assets of Belarus”. 


“It should be noted that we as Poland are incurring real, high losses. These are not pre-World War II losses; they are incurred today. For every day that we have to spend money on defending our border, Belarus should simply give us money back, because it is the organizer and main perpetrator of the aggression against Poland. The whole world should support this. It would be a very effective action,” he said. 


Natalia Nowak, the host of the interview, reminded us that Poland has been conducting several diplomatic activities around the world aimed at stopping the migrant crisis on the border, which has resulted in, among others, blocking flights to Belarus.


Tomasz Sakiewicz recalled that it was only thanks to the “firm stance of the Polish services” that the latest attack on our border was repelled. 


“We showed determination and that always works for the imagination,” he mentioned. 


“On the other hand, diplomatic actions in various places – including those that could be very painful for Belarus or Russia in the long run. Until now, information in various Arabic TV stations, such as Al-Jazeera, was very unfavourable for Poland. It was the Polish officers who were shown as merciless, but slowly the truth about the crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border is starting to get out there,” Sakiewicz recalled. 


He added that “Belarus would be most willing to concentrate its attack on Poland and Lithuania, but certainly not on the whole world”.


“Widening the battlefront in such a way that the victims of the policies of Belarus and Russia become citizens of other countries such as Iraq, encourages us to reflect on it, to take a step backwards,” he concluded.

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