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Premiere of the book entitled “When the applause stops. Stories of Polish sports veterans”

On November 29, 2021, in the Olympic Centre of the Polish Olympic Committee will take place the premiere of the book entitled “When the applause stops. Stories of veterans of Polish sport”.

The book is a collection of interviews with great Polish sportsmen. They are representatives of several generations, thanks to whom Poles experienced many emotions – also in the difficult times of communism. The author invited, among others, the fencers Egon Franke and Janusz Różycki, the boxer Jerzy Rybicki, the shooter Renata Mauer-Różańska and the walker Robert Korzeniowski. The book is a continuation of a series that was published from 2015-2019 as part of the “Seniors, Keep Fit!” series, and is being published under a new title starting in 2020. 

Participants are:

Ryszard Czarnecki – author of the foreword, member of the Polish Olympic Committee praesidium,

Maciej Zdziarski – President of Łukasiewicz Institute, author of the book.

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