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Polish startup Gyfted raised PLN 10 million in funding, started cooperation with StartX and plans to expand to the US market

Gyfted is an application that enables you, through machine learning, to easily and accurately match candidates to jobs and teams, instead of the time-consuming and costly process of standard recruitment. The startup recently closed a pre-seed round, raised over 10 million PLN in funding and was accepted to the most prestigious university accelerator in the world, StartX at Stanford University.

Polish startup Gyfted aims to create the most accurate and efficient job finding system in the world – an app that functions as a reverse job portal. A data-driven process will allow you to fully match candidates’ personalities and competencies to your offer and team. Gyfted allows you to personalize your search for a new job by connecting you directly to the position and team.

“We want to help candidates better understand what positions and teams they fit into. Instead of going through 100 interviews with 50 employers, imagine going through just one interview with as many as 1,000 companies at once. Without unnecessary corporate games and repetitive recruitment marathons” – explains Robert Kowalski, CEO and co-founder of Gyfted.

Despite advances in technology and the internet, the hiring process hasn’t changed since the 19th century, when jobs were posted on notices nailed to store doors or in local newspapers. The internet has only changed the scale – we now publish to the whole world via the web. Internal recruitment processes have not changed, often involving a time-consuming trail of paperwork, chaos and marathons of ineffective recruitment interviews.

“The tools on the market, such as LinkedIn, job boards and recruitment platforms, are not designed to match a candidate to a company as quickly as possible but to prolong the use of their services. We pay for the process, not the result, so it pays for these businesses to make the process last as long as possible,” explains Robert Kowalski.

Gyfted has secured an angel round from investors in the US, Poland and Europe, as well as an R&D grant from the National Centre for Research and Development to develop recommendation algorithm technology to seamlessly connect candidates with jobs, totalling over 10 million PLN in funding to develop the project. The startup recently got into the most prestigious university accelerator in the world at Stanford University and Stanford Medical School. StartX was accelerated by Lime, OpenSea, Patreon and Bolt, among others, and its portfolio of companies is valued at over PLN 100 billion.

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