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    Polish National Parks – Wigry National Park

    Wigry National Park is distinguished by an extraordinary wealth of lakes surrounded by vast forests. Apart from the largest and famous for its picturesqueness Wigry Lake, there are 41 more natural water reservoirs in the Park.

    The Czarna Hańcza River, a tributary of the Niemen River, flows through WPN. In the northern part of the park flow rivers (Kamionka, Wiatrołuża, and Maniówka). There is no other national park in Poland with such a well-developed and varied lakeland landscape of the youngest glaciation. This forest-lake landscape is complemented by open areas of villages, fields, and meadows, with varied post-glacial relief.


    Wigry National Park is situated in the north-eastern part of Poland, east of the town of Suwałki, in the center of the region called Suwalszczyzna.


    The exceptional diversity of water, forest, peat bog, and agricultural ecosystems determines the high species diversity of plants, fungi, and animals found here. Wigry National Park is an area of international importance for nature conservation, as Ramsar Convention site, and Natura 2000 European network area.


    Additional information:

    – hiking trails (total approx. 295 km),

    – Wigry Museum in Stare Folwark,

    – Camaldolese Monastery in Wigry.


    For more information about the Park click here


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