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Scientists are getting ready to work on the world's first Odotheka

Scientists from Krakow and Ljubljana, in cooperation with museum professionals, are preparing to work on Odotheka, the world’s first library of scents of cultural property. It should be ready by the end of 2024.

The Polish-Slovenian project is being implemented by the University of Economics in Krakow, in cooperation with the National Museum in Krakow, and the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the University of Ljubljana, and the National Museum of Slovenia.

In January, scientists will meet museum experts, conservators, and historians to discuss the details.

“At this stage, we are before the purchase of specialized devices for odor testing,” the project coordinator on the Polish side, DSc Tomasz Sawoszczuk from the University of Economics told PAP (Polish Press Agency).

The cost of purchasing such equipment is over PLN 1.2 million. In total, Poles received nearly PLN 2.5 million from the National Science Center for the project. Slovenes’ research is financed by the Slovenian Research Agency.


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