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Wojciech Fortuna advises Polish ski jumpers to give up the Four Hills Tournament

Kamil Stoch did not qualify for Tuesday’s competition of the Four Hills Tournament in Innsbruck. Five Polish jumpers made it to the Bergisel qualification, but the best one – Andrzej Stękała – was only 18th. Gold medalist of the Olympic Games in Sapporo – Wojciech Fortuna advises the white-red team to give up the Four Hills Tournament and to work on its shape.

Kamil Stoch only jumped on 114 m in the first Austrian qualification. The three-time Olympic champion and winner of last year’s Four Hills Tournament could not qualify for the competition in Innsbruck.


“He is a great ski jumper and has already brought us so much joy that I don’t think I can criticize him, but there is clearly something wrong”, said Wojciech Fortuna.


According to the gold medalist of the 1972 Winter Olympics and World Championships, despite the qualification, the rest of the red and white team did not show jumps of their potential. The qualification for Tuesday’s competition was won by Ryoyu Kobayashi (126.5 m). The best of the red team, Andrzej Stękala, finished 18th, then was Piotr Żyła, Dawid Kubacki, Pawel Wąsek and Jakub Wolny.

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