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Construction of the dam on the border with Belarus is expected to start around January 25. The spans were designed by the Orlen company

Orlen Projekt has concluded a contract with the Border Guard. – It has designed the spans of the dam, which will stand on the Polish-Belarusian border,” said Border Guard spokeswoman Lieutenant Anna Michalska. Asked for details, she added that the contract was for the preparation of conceptual drawings of the barrier span in different foundation options, detailed design of the standard span, and technical advice.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Border Guard announced on January 4 that three major agreements related to the construction of a dam on the border with Belarus had been signed. The construction works, which were contracted for PLN 644 million, will be carried out by Budimex and a consortium made up of Unibep and its subsidiary Budrex. In turn, a consortium of three companies: Polimex-Mostostal, Mostostal Siedlce and Węglokoks signed a contract for the construction of steel spans, i.e., the basic elements of the dam, for 589 million PLN. The total value of the contracts is PLN 1 billion 233 million.


The agreements were published on the Ministry of Internal Affairs website along with the agreement with Orlen Projekt signed on January 3. When asked about the details of the contract with the company, the BG spokeswoman explained that it concerned the preparation of conceptual drawings of the barrier span in different foundation variants, the detailed design of the standard span and technical advice.


The company had five days from the signing of the contract to design the span and produce drawings. Based on the design, BG ordered the construction of the spans from a consortium led by Polimex-Mostostal.


The remuneration for Orlen Projekt under the contract will amount to PLN 369 thousand. “It should be emphasized that the agreement with Orlen Projekt S.A. has the nature of a +frame+ agreement. The actual settlement of remuneration on this account will be made according to the hourly rates included in the contract and the contractor’s working time included in the order,” the BG spokeswoman noted.


“So far, Orlen Projekt S.A. has provided services to the amount of PLN 37 thousand (i.e., mainly the cost of design and conceptual drawings),” added Lt. Michalska.


Construction of the dam is expected to begin around Jan. 25. Then SG plans to hand over the construction sites to Budimex and a consortium of Unibep and Budrex. The former contractor will erect the dam on two sections with a total length of 105.5 km, while the latter will erect the dam on 80.7 km. Work will be carried out concurrently in four sections.


The investment – under the National Border Security Construction Act, which was brought into force on the 4thof November – is a public purpose. Separate regulations, including but not limited to construction law, water law or environmental law, do not apply to it. The Public Procurement Law also does not apply to procurement related to the investment, and procurement control is exercised by the CBA. Information regarding the design, security, and technical performance of the dam is classified. The formal investor is the Commander in Chief of the Border Guard.


The next step related to the construction of the dam will be the signing of the electronic barrier agreements. In the Regulatory Impact Assessment of the aforementioned bill, the cost of perimetry was estimated at 115 million PLN.


The dam, with a total length of 186 km and a height of more than 5.5 m, is expected to be ready in June this year.

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